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전체 글1245

~Bahman Jalali When: 28 Sep - 9 Dec 2007; not Mon Where: Fundació Antoni Tàpies Cost: €6; concessions €4 Opening Hours: Tue-Sun 10am-8pm www.qoqnoos.com/.../JALALI/master.htm Bahman Jalali (Iran, 1944), curator of Iran's first photography museum, single-handedly introduced photography to the country, making it acceptable as an art form and inspiring a generation of emerging Iranian photographers. This exhibiti.. 2007. 11. 23.
* Angela Bulloch http://www.artnet.com/artist/3307/angela-bulloch.html * Angela Bulloch ANGELA BULLOCH, geb. 1966 in Rainy River, Kanada, lebt und arbeitet in London und Berlin EINZELAUSSTELLUNGEN (AUSWAHL): 2005 Modern Art Oxford; Le Consortium, Dijon; The Missing 13 th, Galeria Helga de Alvear, Madrid; 2004 Antimatter, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zürich; 2003 New Work 8: Angela Bulloch, World Reflections , Aspen .. 2007. 11. 23.
* 권오상 http://osang.net/ 2007. 11. 23.
* 이형구 2007. 11. 23.
네덜란드- 세줄갤러리 2007. 11. 23.
* mimic06 홍익대학교 시각디자인과 갤러리 스케이프에 갔다가 우연히 보게된 전시, 2007. 11. 22.
우연히 찾게 된 이란 사이트. 일러스트가 재미있다. www.tabrizcartoons.com/fa/social1.asp?id=Iran 2007. 11. 20.
후기 인상주의-쇠라 pointlism? divinism? 작품과 액자가 얼마나 멋지게 맞아떨어지던지.. seurat georges (b. Dec. 2, 1859, Paris--d. March 29, 1891, Paris) Painter, founder of the 19th-century French school of Neo-Impressionism whose technique for portraying the play of light using tiny brushstrokes of contrasting colours became known as Pointillism. Using this techique, he created huge compositions with tiny, detached strokes of pure co.. 2007. 11. 14.
Auguste Rodin 2007. 11. 13.